Ryan's Promise Project:

Plant Powered World

Our mission is to educate people about the many benefits of consuming a plant-based diet, and inspire people to choose to consume less meat and more plants. We want to help people understand how altering your dietary habits, even just a little, can have a significant impact on your life and on our world. Whether you're looking to improve your health, save animals, or better the environment, making a commitment to being "plant-powered" on one or more days per week, can support these goals. I'm Ryan and I'm 13 years old.  My goal is to inspire you to do it! 


Meet Ryan

“Hi. My name is Ryan. I'm 13 years old and I am on a mission. My goal is to inspire you to eat less animals and more plants. By doing this you will help the environment, reduce animal cruelty and improve your health. Please join my mission!”

Ryan, Age 13. Toronto, Ontario


Your Chance To Make A Difference.

Contact Ryan 





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