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Offering: TBD
Website: www.Example.com
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I am, of course, still a student, busy with my studies, sports, and other kid-related activities... so please allow a few days for my reply. Thank you for your patience and support! :-)
When comparing the water footprint of animal products to crops, the amount of water needed to raise livestock overtakes the amount of water it takes to grow fruits, vegetables, wheat, and legumes. From a caloric point of view, with beef, the average water footprint per calorie is 20 times greater than root vegetables and grains. Research shows that it is more productive to consume calories from plant-based foods to reduce our water footprint. (8)
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Plant Powered World
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With every badge, the participant will have access to all the amazing badge perks! These may include discounts at local restaurants that offer plant-based food items on their menu. You will also receive discounts on popular plant-based items in your local grocery stores, as well as eco-friendly products and services throughout your community! Join our mailing list and social media pages for updates on new retailers who join our mission and provide exciting offers exclusively to our community!!
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Please also contact me if:
* You are a school or organization interested to share this initiative with your students or members.
* You are a retailer interested in offering a discount to my Plant-Powered community
* You are an individual interested in joining my mission, purchasing a Plant Powered Badge, joining a \\\"veg challenge\\\" or getting support for a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle change.
* You would like to help support my mission through a donation or giving your time and/or expertise to help grow our Plant Powered world
* If you are a reporter and would like to share my story and my mission with your viewers/readers
I would LOVE to talk to you!!
Send us an Email at
Video for Retail Partners
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(1) Iacono G, MD, Carroccio A, Cavataio F, Montalto G, Cantarero MD, A Notarbartolo. Chronic constipation as a symptom of cow milk allergy. J Pediatr. 1995 Jan;126(1):34-9.
(2) Iacono G, Cavatiao F, Montalt Go, Florena A, Tumminello M, Soresi M, Notarbartol Ao, Carroccio A. Intolerance of cow's milk and chronic constipation in children. N Engl J Med. 1998 Oct 15;339(16):1100-4.
(3) Crowley ET, Williams LT, Roberts TK, Dunstan RH, Jones PD. Does Milk Cause Constipation? A Crossover Dietary Trial. Nutrients 2013, 5(1) 253-266.
(4) Adebamono CA, Spiegelman D, Danby FW, Frazia AL, Willet WC, Holmes MD, High School Dietary Dairy Intake and Teenage Acne. J American Acad Dermatology. 2005 Feb; 52 (2) 207-14.
(5) Gerstein HC Cow’s Milk Exposure and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, A Critical Overview of the Clinical Literature. Diabetes Care. 1994 Jan; 17 (1):13-9.
(6) Infant Feeding Practices and Their Possible Relationship to The Etiology of Diabetes Mellitus. American Academy of Pediatrics Work Group on Cow’s Milk Protein and Diabetes Mellitus. Pediatrics. 1994 Nov;94(5):752-4.
(7) Vaarala O, Ilonen J, Ruohtula T, Pesola J, Virtanen SM, Härkönen T, Koski M, Kallioinen H, Tossavainen O, Poussa T, Järvenpää AL, Komulainen J, Lounamaa R, Akerblom HK, Knip M. Removal of Bovine Insulin From Cow's Milk Formula and Early Initiation of Beta-Cell Autoimmunity in the FINDIA Pilot Study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012 Jul 1;166(7):608-14.
(8) Reichelt KL, Knivsberg AM. Can the pathophysiology of autism be explained by the nature of the discovered urine peptides? Nutr Neurosci. 2003 Feb;6(1):19-28.
(9) Trivedi MS, Hodgson NW, Walker SJ, Trooskens G, Nair V, Deth RC. Epigenetic effects of casein-derived opioid peptides in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2015 Dec 9;12:54.
(10)Sathe N, Andrews JC, McPheeters ML, Warren. Nutritional and Dietary Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2017 Jun;139(6). pii: e20170346.
(11) Nielsen SD, Beverly RL, Qu Y, Dallas DC. Milk bioactive peptide database: A comprehensive database of milk protein-derived bioactive peptides and novel visualization. Food Chem. 2017 Oct 1;232:673-682.
(12) Miller MJ, Witherly SA, Clark DA. Casein: a milk protein with diverse biologic consequences. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1990 Nov;195(2):143-59.
(13) Kramer MS. Do breast-feeding and delayed introduction of solid foods protect against subsequent obesity? J Pediatr. 1981 Jun;98(6):883-7.
(14) Melnik BC. Excessive Leucine-mTORC1-Signalling of Cow Milk-Based Infant Formula: The Missing Link to Understand Early Childhood Obesity. J Obes. 2012;2012:197653.
(15) Arnberg K, Molgaard C, Michaelsen KF, Jensen SM, Trolle E, Larnkjaer A. Skim milk, whey, and casein increase body weight and whey and casein increase the plasma C-peptide concentration in overweight adolescents. J Nutr. 2012 Dec;142(12):2083-90.
(16) Www.http://ghr.nim.nih.gov/condition/lactose-intolerance#
(17) Greger, Michael, Aug 15, 2013 Why Are Children starting Puberty Earlier? www.https//:nutritionfactsorg.
(18) Wiley AS. Milk intake and total dairy consumption: associations with early menarche in NHANES 1999-2004. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 14;6(2):e14685.
(19) Maruyama K, Oshima T, and Ohyama K. Exposure to exogenous estrogen through intake of commercial milk produced from pregnant cows. Pediatr Int, 52(1):33-38, 2010.
Plant Powered World
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Organizations listed below have received donations from Ryan's Promise Project: Plant Powered World .
Updates will be added here to show our supporters exactly how much money was donated to each organization below.
If you have a worthy organization and would like to request our support please
We are excited to support the following organizations...
1) _____________________
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Lactose Intolerance: Abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea. These are the symptoms of lactose intolerance, which is experienced by over 65% of the human population after infancy, when they consume milk and sometimes other dairy products. It is caused by a reduced production of the enzyme lactase, which digests the milk sugar, lactose. People of East Asian descent have the highest incidence of lactose intolerance (70-100%). But it is also common among people of West African, Arab, Jewish, Greek, and Italian descent (16).
Early Puberty: In the past few decades, children in North America have been reaching puberty earlier and earlier. Why is this a concern and what might be the cause? It is concerning because early onset puberty is a risk factor for several diseases of adulthood, including hormone-related cancers like prostate, breast, ovarian and uterine, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease (17). Milk is a rich source of estrogens, and it has been shown that sex hormones greatly increase in children within one hour of consuming milk (18). It is this exposure to such exogenous estrogens that many researchers believe causes early sexual maturation in children (19). But why now and not 40 years ago? Genetic engineering in the ‘70’s allowed cows to continue lactating throughout their pregnancies, which means that today, most milk is from pregnant cows. And pregnant cows have far more sex hormones in their bodies and in their milk than do non-pregnant cows (Ibid).
Plant based milk substitutes are delicious and include rice, oat, almond, cashew, hemp, soy, chickpea and others.. Some of these beverages contain good amounts of calcium too. See the following chart for some excellent plant sources of calcium.
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xxx Bathurst St, Maple,
ON L6A 4N9, Canada
Let's be friends on Facebook!
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For every 20 Plant Points that are earned, the challenging school will receive a FREE Plant Powered Badge to gift to anyone as a show of recognition for work well done.
If you're interested in becoming a Plant Powered School, please contact us.
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Brittany Buckley is a graduating student from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. She has been studying holistic nutrition for 2 years. As well, she is a Registered Early Childhood Educator and has been working with children for over 12 years. Brittany is the founder of Heal + Thrive, a nutritional consulting practice that focuses on helping children and adults of all ages heal their digestive problems to live their best life.
Brittany’s health journey started about 10 years ago, when she was experiencing digestive distress and was unable to get any answers or relief from multiple doctors. After seeing a Naturopathic doctor, she discovered how eating whole foods benefits the body in many ways, by providing nutrients, energy and nourishment to heal her body. She is a strong believer that plant based and whole food diets provide the body with adequate amounts of nutrients and act as medicine to heal the body rather than using pharmaceuticals.
Brittany is a vibrant, dynamic nutritional professional who loves creating new simple recipes and dishes using whole food ingredients.
When Brittany is not working with clients, she enjoys spending time with family, creating delicious recipes, hiking and working out.
Brittany is so inspired and intrigued by Ryan’s Mission and his goal to educate and inspire others to commit to plant powered eating at least once a week. Brittany is looking forward to help bring this vision alive and help others heal their bodies using plant- based food.
Click here for pages references
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whole foods, plant-based, good for you and our planet.
Offering: TBD
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Type 1 Diabetes: It has long been known that early exposure to cow’s milk greatly increases the risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes; at least one study suggests by as much as 50% (5). Some researchers believe that exposure to the cow milk protein Casein A1, may initiate the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, leading to Type 1 Diabetes. Others suspect it is the cow insulin found in cow’s milk that leads to an autoimmune reaction that initiates the disease (6) (7). There is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes, and people who have it must get insulin injections everyday for their whole lives.
Autism: According to a theory proposed by some researchers, cow’s milk, in combination with related enzyme deficiencies in the recipient, may be the culprit for many of the symptoms of autism (8). Several studies have shown that dairy-free diets, or more specifically casein-free diets, mitigate the behavioural and gastrointestinal symptoms of children afflicted with autism (9) (10). Researchers suspect that this is due to the removal of bovine casomorphins, breakdown products of casein, which have a strong opioid effect on genetic expression (9), and may turn on genes related to autism. Human breast milk does not have the same negative impact on autistic children because it contains far less casein protein content (15 times less than cow’s milk), a different chemical composition of its casein protein, lower casomorphin content, and much lower opioid potency (11) (12).
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Researchers asked nearly 70,000 volunteers about their diets, then tracked them over time and found lower cancer rates among people who didn't eat meat at all. (4)
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Spreading awareness within a large community of young future change-makers, is a priority for us. Our goal is to educate, inspire and encourage the younger generation of our world to choose more plant-based foods and to start now. If you are a student, teacher or principal, and this is something you would like your school to participate in, we would love to connect with you! Send us a request by email at Ryan@plantpowered.world, and we will send you more information to share with your administrators, and parent/student councils.
There are many ways that our school community members can benefit by participating in this mission:
Plant Powered Clubs: We facilitate and encourage students to join our “Plant-Powered Club”. This is a way to build friendships with other like-minded people who care about the environment, human health and animal welfare. It’s a way to learn and practice leadership skills, to have fun, gain knowledge, and make a real difference in your community. We are looking for leaders who are responsible, passionate, curious and are interested in learning from us, and sharing their knowledge with their school community. You will have opportunities to attend ongoing fun and stimulating online classes, lectures or zoom calls with our founders as well as guest speakers, where you will learn a lot and win great prizes from our community sponsors. You will also be able to volunteer to participate in presentations (live or online) to your fellow students, organize and manage school-wide challenges and activities, participate in and/or lead hands on food preparation experiences. Most importantly, by participating, you will be stepping into a lead role and advocating for our planet and all living things, while building a supportive and loving community. Not only will you feel great and benefit from the intrinsic rewards of participating in such an important mission, but you will also be developing your skills and expanding your experiences which can be showcased on your resume for future school admissions and employment opportunities.
Friendly School Competitions: As more schools sign up and take the pledge of plant-based eating for at least one recurring day per week, we will be facilitating a friendly competition between all schools across the GTA and beyond. This gives our school community members a reason to rally together to become an official “Certified Plant-Powered School”! Those who are certified will be congratulated on our website and highlighted at the top of our participating schools list. These schools can now start to earn points by challenging other schools to join! The success of the schools you challenge, becomes your success! This competition not only brings exciting bragging rights, but also brings terrific perks and benefits to the schools who are top of the leaderboard! The leaderboard will be updated at the beginning of each month, so check back often to see how your team is doing!
School Presentations: Arrange a presentation for your class or school, by one of our founding volunteers or an affiliated guest speaker, on the benefits of plant-based eating. These presentations (online or in person when possible) may include fun activities or cooking demonstrations. Call us to inquire!
Badge Perks: When you donate and receive your Plant-Powered Badge, you will have access to the perks and discounts that our partnering retailers and organizations have to offer. Check out our Badge Perks page for more details and locations.
Plant Powered World
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As most of us know dairy is not just milk. It includes all products made from the mammary secretions (those are the milk giving glands) of lactating animals, (animals who are producing milk for their young), usually cows. Milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir, butter and cream are all dairy products made from milk. While the dairy industry has touted that dairy, particularly milk, is beneficial to growing kids because of its calcium content which helps build strong bones, much less attention has been given to the dark side of dairy. Here are 7 things to know about dairy products, which may start you reaching for plant based alternative:
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Email: Ryan@PlantPowered.world
Or fill in the contact form below.
When you purchase this badge please wear it proudly on your \\\"plant-powered\\\" days to show the world that you are supporting a cleaner and more compassionate world. Wear your badge to inspire others. Spread the word! The more people who join us, the more we can achieve together!!
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Scroll through the exclusive discounts and giveaways below from our amazing retail partners....
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Are you a retailer or business and would like to support our Plant-Powered World initiative? We would love to hear from you! Not only would you be contributing to an important mission, but you will also gain the admiration, respect and purchasing power of our Plant-Powered Community. This will give you an opportunity to showcase how you, as a business, are contributing to a plant-powered world! Send us an email at Ryan@plantpowered.world. We will send you more information to help you better understand how your contribution will be a win-win for everyone!
How can VOLUNTEERS support our mission?
We are always looking for passionate individuals who want to help make a difference in the world. We need people to support all the work we do behind the scenes and we’re always willing to share the spotlight! If you are able to support us with your time and skills, we will be thrilled to support you! We would love to hear from you. Send us an email and let’s connect at Ryan@plantpowered.world
All badge profits will be donated to registered charitable organizations who support plant based lifestyle education, environmental protection and animal welfare. We will publish documentation of all our donations, right here on our website, so stay connected and join our email list!
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Get updates on exclusive discounts for all Plant-Powered World Badge holders from our growing list of retail partners. Get updates about our donations and milestones. Receive great plant-based recipes. (Please be assured we will only send occasional communication and will always respect your inbox!)
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Your school name here!
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\",\"settings\":{\"styles\":{\"text\":\"left\",\"align\":\"flex-start\",\"justify\":\"center\",\"position\":\"1/3/2/11\",\"m-element-margin\":\"0 0 16px 0\"}}},\"zCMhy_C5A\":{\"type\":\"GridTextBox\",\"content\":\"Plant Powered World
\",\"settings\":{\"styles\":{\"text\":\"center\",\"align\":\"flex-start\",\"justify\":\"flex-end\",\"position\":\"1/3/3/15\"}}},\"zGyX-tcKo\":{\"type\":\"GridTextBox\",\"content\":\"92% of the population's fresh water is used for agriculture while 1/2 of that is used for animal products. A decrease in animal consumption would result in a decrease in freshwater used for raising livestock, resulting in more consumable water available for humans. (11)
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I am a vegetarian because I deeply care about animals. I think our society should evolve and we don’t need to kill animals to remain healthy. And anyway, I don’t know why we would choose one earthly being over another!
In fact, animal agriculture harms our environment and leads to the release of high amounts of greenhouse gases. Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation. Greenland lost on average 286,000,000,000 tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016. It’s not all necessary! I think humans are incredibly innovative and we can come up with smarter ways to thrive.
I’ve also learned that there are many studies that show eating fewer animal products actually improves overall health and reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, which is also a big problem in our world today. So, it makes sense that if we want to protect our world and our health, we should all eat less animal products.
So I'm on a mission to inspire everyone to eat less animals and more nutrient-rich plants. My goal is to get 2021 people by the end of 2021 to join my mission!
Click around my website and find out how YOU can participate. We all live on this planet and we're all in this together. Please join me. Take action to help our planet and human health.
Connect with me on social media!
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
At the age of 28, on the cusp of beginning a dietetic internship, Donna
suddenly became ill with a condition no medical doctor could reliably
diagnose. She spent the next couple of decades researching and
experimenting with various treatments, and in time found considerable relief through a whole food plant-based diet, herbs, homeopathy, and Bach Flower Remedies. Since regaining her health, Donna decided to resume her studies in nutrition, and recently graduated with First Class Honours from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Vancouver, and holds a Diploma in Applied Nutrition.
She also earned a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University (2018), continued her studies in plant-based nutrition with Dr. John McDougall’s Dietary Therapy Course, and is currently enrolled in Dr. Michael Klaper’s Master Class in Plant-Based Clinical Nutrition (2020). Donna became involved in Ryan’s Plant Powered World project because she believes plant- based nutrition is an important and missing element in the school curriculum and that for optimal lifelong health, the plant-based lifestyle should begin at an early age. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and science- based knowledge about nutrition is essential to achieve optimal health and help prevent chronic diseases from manifesting throughout one’s entire life.
For more information or to book a private consultation with Donna, please contact her at WellAgainNutrition@gmail.com or go to www.WellAgain.ca.
If you would like to support our mission but you're not interested or able to participate or receive our badge, you may choose to donate through Go Fund Me. We appreciate every gesture of support, both big and small.
Get In Touch!
Carina Chan is a university student studying Environmental Engineering. In her free time, she enjoys walking through local forests, playing flute and badminton, and writing fantasy stories. Since childhood, Carina has been interested in nature; it started with cute animals and expanded to plants. Her passion for protecting the environment was sparked upon learning about the various environmental issues that the world is currently facing.
Prior to hearing of Ryan’s amazing mission, Carina had little knowledge of the vast positive impacts whole food plant-based diets had on many aspects of society. Upon joining this mission, she was intrigued by this seemingly novel approach to help the environment. As a part of Ryan’s team, Carina is learning a lot and hopes to help others realize this amazing opportunity to improve both their own health and that of the environment.
(1) (N.d). Heart Disease. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Retrieved from URL https://www.pcrm.org/health-topics/heart-disease
(2) (N. d.) Diabetes. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Retrieved from URL https://www.pcrm.org/health-topics/diabetes
(3) Susan E. Berkow, PhD, CNS, Neal Barnard, MD, Vegetarian Diets and Weight Status, Nutrition Reviews, Volume 64, Issue 4, April 2006, Pages 175–188. Retrieved from URL https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article/64/4/175/1911289
(4) N.d. (2019, October 30) How Plant based food helps fight cancer. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from URL https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/how-plant-based-food-helps-fight-cancer/art-20457590#:~:text=It's%20true%20plant%2Dbased%20foods,may%20protect%20cells%20from%20damage
(5) Davey, G. K., Spencer, E. A., Appleby, P. N., Allen, N. E., Knox, K. H., & Key, T. J. (2003). EPIC-Oxford: lifestyle characteristics and nutrient intakes in a cohort of 33 883 meat-eaters and 31 546 non meat-eaters in the UK. Public health nutrition, 6(3), 259–269. https://doi.org/10.1079/PHN2002430
(6) Peltonen, R., Nenonen, M., Helve, T., Hänninen, O., Toivanen, P., & Eerola, E. (1997). Faecal microbial flora and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis during a vegan diet. British journal of rheumatology, 36(1), 64–68. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/36.1.64
(7) Anderson J. W. (2008). Beneficial effects of soy protein consumption for renal function. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, 17 Suppl 1, 324–328.Retrieved from URL https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18296369/
(8) Mekonnen, M.M., Hoekstra, A.Y.A. (2012, January 24) Global Assessment of the Water Footprint of Farm Animal Products. Ecosystems. Retrieved from URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10021-011-9517-8#citeas
(9) Shepon, A., Eshel, G., Noor, E., Milo, R. (2018, March 26)The Opportunity cost of animal based diets exceeds all food. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Retrieved from URL https://www.pnas.org/content/115/15/3804
(10) Cassidy, Emily S., et al. (2013). Redefining Agricultural Yields: From Tonnes To People Nourished Per Hectare. IOPScience: Environmental Research Letters.Retrieved from URL https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/034015
(11) Gerbens- Leenes, P.W., Mekonnen, M.M., Hoekstra, A.Y., (2013, April 17) The water footprint od poultry, pork and beef: A comparative study in different countries and production systems. Water Resources and Industry. Retrieved from URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212371713000024
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Ryan, Age 13. Toronto, Ontario\\n
Plant Powered World
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Aside from being Ryan's loving and devoted mom, Jody Bresgi is also a Certified Nutritional Practitioner in Toronto, and graduated as valedictorian of her class in Applied Holistic Nutrition at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition (IHN). She holds a masters degree in business from the University of Western Ontario. Jody was co-founder of Canadian Men’s Clinic (CMC is a medical institution in Toronto dedicated to the treatment of sexual difficulties in men). She is a Certified Clinical Research Coordinator (CCRC) and has experience running phase 3 and phase 4 clinical studies with multinational sponsor organizations. As such, she has an insider's perspective on how clinical studies are conducted, and this helps her to form opinions, understand potential bias, and better navigate the literature and clinical data overall. Jody believes in an evidence-based approach to wellness and is passionate about showing people how to prevent disease, achieve optimal wellness and improve sexual health through plant-strong nutrition. In association with CMC, Jody is also an official Vitamix ® dealer and loves teaching people how to use a powerful Vitamix blender to simplify meals and achieve more energy, vitality and overall health.
Jody is a devoted mother of two spirited boys, a former competitive gymnast, an exercise enthusiast, and an advocate for a mindful, active, plant-strong, whole foods lifestyle.
Follow her at:
F: fb.me/JodysHealthyKitchen
I: Instagram.com/JodysHealthyKitchen
E: jodyshealthykitchen@gmail.com
Our mission is to educate people about the many benefits of consuming a plant-based diet and inspire people to choose to consume less meat and more plants. By joining us, you will help make a difference in the world.
There are 4 ways to be a part of our mission:
1) Individuals may donate and receive a plant-powered badge to wear proudly............ 2) Students may join our Plant Powered Club.
3) Schools and organizations can get involved by rallying together and encouraging students and teachers to join our cause and enter challenges (ie. becoming a certified plant powered school).
4) Retailers can support our mission by providing discounts on services and products to our community.
How can YOU get involved?
It’s super easy to join and to be a part of our Plant-Powered World. Click here to go to our donation page. When donating $5.00 ($6.00 incl. shipping) to Plant-Powered World you will receive a badge. This badge represents the decision and commitment you are making to go plant-based for at least one recurring day each week. Along with the badge, you have access to the perks and discounts that our partnering retailers and organizations have to offer. Check out our Badge Perks page for more details on all the amazing offers!
Follow us on Instagram!
E Transfer is an easy option to purchase our badge. This option has no additional fees.
Step 1: Send the amount of money to ryan@plantpowered.world. (Calculate $5.00 per badge plus $1.00 for shipping per badge)
Step 2: Send an email message to ryan@plantpowered.world letting us know how many badges you would like and the amount that has been sent. Please include your full name, telephone number, physical mailing address to ship your badge.
Step 3: Upon receiving the money, and your email, we will send you a confirmation email. If you don't receive a confirmation, please contact us by telephone.
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With your badge you will receive generous discounts and giveaways from retailers in your community and online. All of the discounts will be related to eco-friendly products and services, as well as vegetarian or vegan food and menu items. Healthy Lifestyle. Healthy Body. Healthy Planet!
All you have to do is present your badge when you purchase in person. In some cases, online discount codes will be available in addition to, or instead of, using your badge. To access these, you must \\\"subscribe\\\" to our mailing list when you purchase a badge. See details listed in the \\\"Offering\\\" section of each retailer below for specific instructions about each offer.
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10 Disera Dr,
Thornhill, ON L4J 0A7
(905) 709-0404
Website: www.eatcopperbranch.com
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Lower Fee Donation Option (Paypal)
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Thornhill ON L4J 0B8
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Welcome to our amazing community. If you are visiting this page, you probably already understand why plant-based food choices are so important. You don't need to become vegan or even vegetarian to join us. You simply need to make yourself a promise to eat less meat and more plants. It's good for you! It's good for our planet! C'mon, I know you're ready to take our #PlantPoweredPledge! However, promising yourself is not enough. Studies show that if you share your plans with others, you are more likely to follow through, so we've created a #PlantPoweredPledge Certificate that we want you to sign and share! Here's how it works...
1) Purchase Your Plant Powered Badge here (STORE) or here (DONATE). Take a selfie with your badge and share on social media and with friends (tag #PlantPoweredPledge, #PlantPoweredWorld and @PlantPowered.world).
2) Add a \\\"Plant-Powered Badge Overlay\\\" to your Facebook profile! (click here).
3) Take the #PlantPoweredPledge below. Choose your weekly \\\"Plant Powered\\\" day(s) and tell everyone!
4) Print your \\\"Pledge Certificate\\\", (click here or see below), sign it and take a proud selfie holding the certificate. Share your picture to social media and tag #PlantPoweredPledge, #PlantPoweredWorld and @PlantPowered.world. Stick your signed pledge certificate on your refrigerator or somewhere in your home where you will see it often. Add a weekly notification in your phone so you don't forget your plant-powered day(s)!
The next few steps are very important in order to find out about all the amazing badge perks that you will have access to as our mission grows...
5) Follow us on Instagram (click here).
6) Like and follow us on Facebook (click here).
7) Subscribe to our Youtube channel (click here).
8) Do not forget to subscribe to our main mailing list (click here) so we can share our success and announcements with you as we grow.
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The Plant Powered Club is run by the founders of Plant Powered World. All students are welcome! Teachers and school administrators are also welcome! Parents may join us too! We meetup virtually and are made up of students of various ages from across Canada. Our meeting schedule will be posted at the bottom of this page. We are change-makers. We are inspired individuals who want to learn, lead and grow together.
We offer inspiring interactive webinars, fun activities and leadership opportunities. If you believe in helping to protect our planet, protect animals, and improve your health, this club is for you. If you are excited by a plant-based lifestyle or would like to learn more about it, this club is for you. Whether you are a natural leader or would like to become one, this club is for you.
Why join?
Here are just a few reasons to join our club...
1) Build friendships with other like-minded people who care about the environment, human health and animal welfare.
2) Learn and practice leadership skills,
3) Gain knowledge. Knowledge is power!
4) Make a real difference in your community and in the world. Step into a leadership role and advocate for our planet and all living things, while building a supportive and loving community.
5) Attend ongoing fun and stimulating online classes, lectures or zoom calls with our founders as well as guest speakers
6) Win amazing prices from our retail sponsors
7) Volunteer to participate in presentations (live or online) to your fellow students. Orrganize and manage school-wide challenges and activities.
8) Learn how to make amazing plant-based recipes.
9) Enjoy the intrinsic rewards of participating in such an important mission
10) Developing your leadership skills and showcase your skills and participation on your resume to assist you with future school admissions and employment opportunities.
How to join?
Simply complete the Plant Powered World club Inquiry Form below and we will send you our additional information about our club and how to join. Members of our club will have exclusive access to special prizes and giveaways from our retail partners. You will be welcome to join us for our next meeting to see if the Plant Powered Club is for you. If you have additional questions, please complete the form below and include your questions in the form.
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… BUT BEFORE YOU CLICK “Use as profile picture” be sure to set WHEN the profile should automatically revert back to the original profile (One hour, One day, One week, One month, NEVER, Custom).
Click ONE day if you plan to add this overlay on ONLY your “Plant Powered Days”. Change your profile picture on each \\\"Plant Powered Day\\\".
Click NEVER, if you simply want to keep this overlay on your profile picture until you change it back.
It’s simple to remove the overlay. Just click on your profile picture at any time and select “revert to original”.
Method 2
Step 1: Click on the camera icon on your profile picture.
Step 2: Click on “add frame”.
Step 3: Under “choose frame” search for “Plant Powered World”.
Step 4: You should see two options come up: 1) Plant Powered World - small logo 2) Plant Powered World - Overlay. Choose the one you want.
Step 5: Before clicking “Use as profile picture”, be sure to set WHEN the profile should automatically revert back to the original profile (One hour, One day, One week, One month, NEVER, or Custom). Follow advice above.
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Sign up to join our next Plant Powered Club meeting.
Coming Soon...
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Use this page to find all of the pages on the website! Click on the page name you wish and it will transport you to that page!
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8010 Bathurst St Unit 1,
Thornhill ON L4J 0B8
(905) 707-0044
Website: www.whatabagel.com
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Offering: ....
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Method 1
Step One: Make sure you are logged into your Facebook page.
Step Two: Click on one of the following links.
Click in the “small logo URL”, if you want the overlay to look like this..
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Offering: 10% off a \\\"create your own salad\\\". Take out only. Show your Plant Powered Badge to get the discount.
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Recipe from: @Loveandlemons
Prep Time: 40 Mins
Total Time: 40 mins
½ cup plus 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon maple syrup
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Heaping ½ teaspoon sea salt
2½ cups almond flour
2½ tablespoons maca powder, optional
1 cup vegan chocolate chips
Cacao Layer
1½ cups walnuts
2 tablespoons cacao or cocoa powder
¼ teaspoon sea salt
10 soft medjool dates
2 tablespoons water
Flaky sea salt for sprinkling on top, optional
· Line an 8x8-inch baking pan with parchment paper.
· In a large bowl, stir together the peanut butter, coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla, and salt until combined. Add the almond flour and maca, if using, and stir to combine (the mixture will be thick). Fold in the chocolate chips and press into the pan. Place in the freezer so that it firms up a bit while making the next layer.
· In a small food processor, pulse the walnuts, cacao powder, and sea salt until the walnuts are well chopped. Add the dates and pulse to combine, adding 2 tablespoons water if the blade gets stuck. Process until smooth, then spread onto the cookie layer. Sprinkle with sea salt if desired. Freeze for 30 minutes (this will help them firm up, making them easier to cut). Remove and slice into bars. Store remaining bars in the fridge.
References: https://www.loveandlemons.com/vegan-desserts/
My post content
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Recipe from: @minimalistbaker
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins
Total Time: 30 mins
· 3 cups grape tomatoes (halved)
· 10 ounces whole wheat pasta (such as penne, linguini, or fettuccine // use less if you want a higher sauce:pasta ratio // use gluten-free pasta for GF eaters)
· Olive oil
· 2 medium shallots (diced // 2 medium shallots yield ~1/4 cup or 40 g)
· 8 large cloves garlic (minced/grated // 8 large cloves yield ~1/4 cup or 24 g)
· 1 pinch each sea salt and black pepper
· 3-4 Tbsp unbleached all-purpose flour (or another thickener of choice)*
· 2 1/2 cups unsweetened plain Almond Breeze (sub up to 1 cup with veggie stock, if preferred)
· 1-3 Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
· Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (204 C) and toss tomatoes in a bit of olive oil and sea salt. Place cut side up on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes while you prepare the rest of the dish. Then set aside.
· Bring a large pot of water to a boil and cook pasta according to package instructions. When done, drain, cover and set aside.
· In the meantime, prepare the sauce. In a large skillet over medium-low heat, add 1 Tbsp (15 ml // use more, as needed, if increasing batch size) olive oil and the garlic and shallot. Add a pinch of salt and black pepper and stir frequently, cooking for 3-4 minutes until softened and fragrant.
· Stir in flour (or other thickener of choice – see notes) and mix with a whisk. Once combined, slowly whisk in the almond milk a little at a time so clumps don’t form. Add another healthy pinch of salt and black pepper, bring to a simmer and continue cooking for another 4-5 minutes to thicken. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed, adding more salt to taste, minced garlic for zing, or a little nutritional yeast for cheesy flavor (optional).
(NOTE: You can also add a few shakes of vegan parmesan for extra flavor at this time if you wish.)
· If you want an ultra creamy sauce, transfer sauce to a blender (or use an immersion blender) to blend the sauce until creamy and smooth. Place back in pan and reduce heat to a low simmer until desired thickness is reached.
· Once the sauce is to your desired thickness, taste and adjust seasonings as needed. Then add pasta and roasted tomatoes and stir.
· Serve immediately and garnish with extra black pepper, fresh basil, and/or vegan parmesan cheese. Best when fresh, but will keep for up to 2 days in fridge.
References: https://minimalistbaker.com/creamy-vegan-garlic-pasta-with-roasted-tomatoes/
My post content
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1. Just as you would stand up against animal cruelty when it comes to dogs and cats, why are other animals any different? We believe every single living being should be treated with respect. When you decide to go plant-powered, you are choosing kindness and speaking up for the animals who don’t have a voice.
2. Many studies have linked animal product consumption to higher levels of inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, certain cancers, and many other chronic illnesses. There is much debate about exactly why this occurs. Is it the fault of animal protein? Is it caused more by processed and factory farmed meat than by naturally raised free range animals? Is it that meat causes leaky gut? Is it caused by too-high levels of sulphur amino acids? Is it the mutagens created by the cooking process of meat? There are many theories as to why meat is correlated with higher rates of chronic disease. When you decide to focus on a plant-based diet, you are mitigating the risk of meat consumption, regardless of the reason meat poses a danger. You are also introducing more vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients that contribute to better human health.
3. If more people decided to go plant-powered there would be less demand for animal products and therefore less environmental destruction caused by animal agriculture. For example animal production leads to deforestation and higher rates of greenhouse gases.
4. Did you know animal agriculture leaves a larger carbon footprint than all modes of transportation combined? By reducing the number of animal products we consume and transitioning to a plant-powered diet we would also be reducing our carbon footprint.
5. While turning off the faucet is a great way to conserve water, going plant-powered is even more beneficial when it comes to lowering our water footprint. Thinking about how much water goes into livestock watering, feedlots, dairy production, and other livestock needs, there’s no question going plant-powered could save incredible amounts of water.
Need more reasons to go plant-powered? Visit our website at www.PlantPowered.world to learn more about how going plant-powered can benefit you and the environment.
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Recipe from: @eatplantbased.com14
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 25 mins
Total time: 40 mins
o 1-1/2 cups black beans, 15 oz can (drained and rinsed) or fresh cooked
o 1 cup old fashioned oats
o 1/4 cup red bell pepper, diced (optional)
o 1/4 cup onions, diced
o 3 Tbsp ketchup
o 1 Tbs Worcestershire sauce, without anchovies, or Bragg's Aminos
o 1 tsp chili powder
o 1/2 tsp garlic powder
o 1 tsp smoked paprika
o 1 tsp steak seasoning dry spice
o 1 pinch cayenne pepper, optional
1. Drain and rinse black beans.
2. In large bowl, mash black beans with a potato masher.
3. Dice onion and red pepper.
4. Add all ingredients to bowl with black beans.
5. Mix thoroughly. I use my hands to knead them well.
6. Form into patties. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. You can also pan fry in non-stick skillet.
7. Serve on a bun with onion, lettuce, tomato, and your favorite condiments. I love these with my low-fat Chipotle Ranch Sauce. Link to recipe below.
8. The potato chip maker comes with a potato slicer and costs less than $10. Instructions say to cook in microwave for 3-5 minutes, but I have found it takes 7-8 minutes to get nice and crispy in mine.
References: https://eatplant-based.com/black-bean-burger/
Cauliflower Bbq Wings- 4 servings
Recipe from: @eatplantbased.com14
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 60 mins
o 1 head of cauliflower, cut into bite sized pieces
o 1 cup whole grain flour.
o 1 cup non-dairy milk
o 1 Tbsp. garlic powder
o 1 Tbsp. onion power
o 1 tsp. salt
o pinch of cayenne for slight kick
o bread crumbs, I used Kellogg’s Bread Crumbs
o your favorite barbecue sauce
1. Preheat oven to 450°F and line baking sheet with parchment paper. This makes clean up much easier because clean-up is a breeze.
2. Cut the cauliflower florets into small bite-size pieces. I like to make mine a little chunky, but you can cut them as small or large as you like.
3. For this cauliflower wing batter, you want it to be nice and thick with a little bit of seasoning so it will stick to the cauliflower bites. Combine flour, non-dairy milk, and spices in a bowl, and whisk together.
4. Coat each cauliflower bite in the batter. I simply put a handful of them in the bowl at one time and roll them around until coated.
5. Pour the dry bread crumbs in a large bowl or even in a gallon-sized storage bag. As you batter each cauliflower bite in the bowl of batter, then toss them into the bread crumbs and roll (or shake if using bag) to coat evenly. I do this in batches.
6. These vegan wings are going to need to go into the oven twice to get the texture and crunch desired.
7. Place battered and breaded cauliflower bites on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 20 minutes, until brown and crispy. You’ll be surprised how crunchy these get.
8. While the cauliflower wings are baking, place some barbecue sauce in a medium-size bowl. Remove cauliflower bites from the oven, and dip each piece into barbecue sauce. I used a fork to roll the chunks around in the sauce.
9. Once they are coated well in bbq sauce and placed back on the baking sheet, it’s time to rebake them for another 15-20 minutes.
10. When they are done, remove from the oven and allow them to cool. Serve warm or even at room temperature.
References: https://eatplant-based.com/cauliflower-bq-wing-bites/
Breakfast Tacos – 4 Servings
Recipe From: @loveandlemons
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 20 mins
Yellow Tomato Salsa
1 large yellow tomato, diced
3 tablespoons diced red onion
3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
½ to 1 serrano pepper, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, minced
Juice from ½ lime
¼ teaspoon sea salt
For the tacos:
1 green pepper, cored, stem removed, and diced
3 scallions, chopped
6 eggs, beaten
2 cups arugula or spinach, chopped
Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 tortillas (corn, flour, wheat, or homemade - whatever you like)
¼ cup chopped cilantro, more for garnish
1 avocado, sliced
Lime wedges
1. Make the Yellow Tomato Salsa: In a small bowl, combine the tomato, onion, cilantro, serrano, garlic, lime juice and salt. Chill until ready to use.
2. In a small nonstick skillet, heat a drizzle of olive oil over medium heat. Add the green pepper, scallions, and a pinch of salt and pepper and sauté until lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Scoop a large spoonful of the salsa into the pepper mixture and stir. Remove from the heat and set aside.
3. Brush a large nonstick stick skillet lightly with olive oil and bring to medium heat. Add the eggs, let them cook for a few seconds and then stir. Add the green pepper mixture to the eggs. Continue to stir and scramble the eggs until just set. Remove from the pan from the heat while the eggs are slightly runny and stir in the arugula and half of the extra cilantro.
4. Assemble the tacos with the egg mixture, a scoop of salsa, the remaining cilantro and a few slices of avocado. Finish with a squeeze of lime and a pinch of salt and pepper, if desired. Garnish with cilantro and serve with lime wedges.
References: https://www.loveandlemons.com/healthy-breakfast-ideas/
Tuscan Bean Salad – 4-6 servings
Recipe from: @monkeyandmekitchenadventures
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time: 25 minutes
· 1 cup chickpeas
· 1 cup black beans
· 1 cup cannellini beans
· 1 cup navy beans
· ¾ to 1 cup cooked millet
· 2 celery ribs, fine dice
· ½ red bell pepper, fine dice
· ½ green bell pepper, fine dice
· 3 green onions, finely sliced
· sea salt to taste
· black pepper to taste
Dressing Ingredients:
· ¼ cup white balsamic vinegar
· 2 Tablespoons water
· 2 teaspoons miso
· 1 teaspoon organic maple syrup
· 1 teaspoon tahini
· ½ teaspoon garlic powder
· 2 ½ teaspoons Italian Seasoning
· pinch black pepper
· 3 sundried tomato halves, (1 Tablespoon finely minced)
Optional Garnish/Toppings:
Chopped flatleaf parsley
In the meantime, place 3 sundried tomato halves in a small bowl and cover with boiling water for 10 minutes. Then durian off the water, then mince finely. Set aside.
Make the salad dressing by adding all the salad dressing ingredients (including the finley minced sundried tomatoes) into a bowl and wicking until well combined. Set aside.
Place the cooked and cooled millet, and all the remaining ingredients into a large bowl and then add in the salad dressing, tossing gently as you go until everything is coated in the dressing.
Serve immediately at room temperature.
References: https://monkeyandmekitchenadventures.com/tuscan-bean-salad/
Quinoa Vegetable Soup with Kale- 4-6 Servings
Recipe by: @cookieandkate
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 45 mins
Total Time: 60 mins
· 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
· 1 medium yellow or white onion, chopped
· 3 carrots, peeled and chopped
· 2 celery stalks, chopped
· 1 to 2 cups chopped seasonal vegetables, like zucchini, yellow squash, bell pepper, sweet potatoes or butternut squash
· 6 garlic cloves, pressed or minced
· ½ teaspoon dried thyme
· 1 large can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes
· Scant 1 cup quinoa, rinsed well in a fine mesh colander (use less for a lighter, more broth-y soup)
· 4 cups (32 ounces) vegetable broth
· 2 cups water
· 1 teaspoon salt, more to taste
· 2 bay leaves
· Pinch red pepper flakes
· Freshly ground black pepper
· 1 can (15 ounces) great northern beans or chickpeas, rinsed and drained
· 1 cup or more chopped fresh kale or collard greens, tough ribs removed
· 1 to 2 teaspoons lemon juice, to taste
· Optional garnish: freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1. Warm the olive oil in a large Dutch oven or soup pot over medium heat. Once the oil is shimmering, add the chopped onion, carrot, celery, seasonal vegetables and a pinch of salt. Cook, stirring often, until the onion has softened and is turning translucent, about 6 to 8 minutes.
2. Add the garlic and thyme. Cook until fragrant while stirring frequently, about 1 minute. Pour in the diced tomatoes with their juices and cook for a few more minutes, stirring often.
3. Pour in the quinoa, broth and the water. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 2 bay leaves and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Season generously with freshly ground black pepper. Raise heat and bring the mixture to a boil, then partially cover the pot and reduce heat to maintain a gentle simmer.
4. Cook for 25 minutes, then remove the lid and add the beans and the chopped greens. Continue simmering for 5 minutes or more, until the greens have softened to your liking.
5. Remove the pot from heat, then remove the bay leaves. Stir in 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Taste and season with more salt, pepper and/or lemon juice until the flavors really sing. (You might need up to ½ teaspoon more salt, depending on your vegetable broth and your personal preferences.) Divide into bowls and top with grated Parmesan if you’d like.
References: https://cookieandkate.com/quinoa-vegetable-soup-recipe/
My post content
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Recipe by: @cookieandkate
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 45 mins
Total Time: 60 mins
· 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
· 1 medium yellow or white onion, chopped
· 3 carrots, peeled and chopped
· 2 celery stalks, chopped
· 1 to 2 cups chopped seasonal vegetables, like zucchini, yellow squash, bell pepper, sweet potatoes or butternut squash
· 6 garlic cloves, pressed or minced
· ½ teaspoon dried thyme
· 1 large can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes
· Scant 1 cup quinoa, rinsed well in a fine mesh colander (use less for a lighter, more broth-y soup)
· 4 cups (32 ounces) vegetable broth
· 2 cups water
· 1 teaspoon salt, more to taste
· 2 bay leaves
· Pinch red pepper flakes
· Freshly ground black pepper
· 1 can (15 ounces) great northern beans or chickpeas, rinsed and drained
· 1 cup or more chopped fresh kale or collard greens, tough ribs removed
· 1 to 2 teaspoons lemon juice, to taste
· Optional garnish: freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1. Warm the olive oil in a large Dutch oven or soup pot over medium heat. Once the oil is shimmering, add the chopped onion, carrot, celery, seasonal vegetables and a pinch of salt. Cook, stirring often, until the onion has softened and is turning translucent, about 6 to 8 minutes.
2. Add the garlic and thyme. Cook until fragrant while stirring frequently, about 1 minute. Pour in the diced tomatoes with their juices and cook for a few more minutes, stirring often.
3. Pour in the quinoa, broth and the water. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 2 bay leaves and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Season generously with freshly ground black pepper. Raise heat and bring the mixture to a boil, then partially cover the pot and reduce heat to maintain a gentle simmer.
4. Cook for 25 minutes, then remove the lid and add the beans and the chopped greens. Continue simmering for 5 minutes or more, until the greens have softened to your liking.
5. Remove the pot from heat, then remove the bay leaves. Stir in 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Taste and season with more salt, pepper and/or lemon juice until the flavors really sing. (You might need up to ½ teaspoon more salt, depending on your vegetable broth and your personal preferences.) Divide into bowls and top with grated Parmesan if you’d like.
References: https://cookieandkate.com/quinoa-vegetable-soup-recipe/
Recipe from @thesimpleveganista
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 50 mins
Total time: 1 hour 5 minutes
· 1 tablespoon olive oil or 1/4 cup water (for water sauté)
· 1 small onion, diced
· 2 carrots (2 cups), diced
· 1 zucchini (2 cups), diced
· 1 yellow squash (2 cups), diced
· 8 oz. mushrooms, chopped
· 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning (or thyme, basil or marjoram), optional
· 1 package (10 – 12 oz.) frozen spinach, thawed and drained
· 1 jar (25 – 28 oz.) pasta sauce, about 3 cups
· 9 lasagna noodles (approx.), regular or no-boil
· 2 cups vegan ricotta (Cashew Ricotta Cheese or Tofu Ricotta)
· salt & pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Noodles: Cook noodles according to package directions, set aside. If using no boil lasagna noodles like I did there is no need to cook first.
Sauté Veggies: In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat, add onion and garlic, sauté for about 5 minutes. Add carrots, zucchini, squash, mushrooms, herbs/seasonings and good pinch of salt and pepper, continue to sauté for another 5 – 7 minutes. We don’t need to sauté the zucchini, yellow squash and mushrooms too much, we want their juices to fully release while baking. Remove from heat.
Spinach Ricotta: Mix together the cashew ricotta and spinach, mix well.
Assemble & Layer: Using a large rectangular baking dish (9 x 12) place about 1/3 cup of sauce on the bottom of the dish spreading to coat, add a layer of pasta, top with 1/2 ricotta cheese and 1/2 vegetables. Add another layer of pasta, 1/2 of the remaining sauce, then the rest of the ricotta, then vegetables. Add one more layer of pasta and top with the remaining sauce. Cover with lid, small silpat or foil.
Bake: Cover and bake on the center rack for 40 minutes. Let rest covered for 5 minutes, remove cover and let cool 10 minutes. If not using no-boil noodles, you can remove the cover half way through for a baked look.
To Serve: Add a sprinkle of Almond Parmesan and a bit of freshly chopped basil overtop.
References: https://simple-veganista.com/the-ultimate-vegetable-lasagna/
Recipe from @Heal.Thrive
1 cup almond flour
1 cup cashew butter
½ cup maple syrup
1 tbsp vanilla
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 cup dark chocolate chips
1 cup shredded coconut
½ cup pumpkin seeds
Add all ingredients together in a mixing bowl. And put in the fridge for 30 mins to harden.
Take the mixture out of the fridge, scoop 1 tablespoon of mixture and roll into balls.
Can roll balls into shredded coconut if desired.
References: @heal.thrive
2 servings- 5 min prep time
2 medium banana, sliced and frozen
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any nut milk you prefer)
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen raspberries
1-2 scoops of vegan protein powder
Add bananas into the blender or food processor. Blend until the bananas become crumbly. Add nut milk. Blend until smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides of the blender as needed.
Add strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. Blend until smooth again, scraping down the sides of the blender as needed.
Pour into two cups and enjoy!
Reference: https://beamingbaker.com/triple-berry-smoothie-5-ingredient-paleo-vegan-gluten-free-dairy-free/
We understand change can be a difficult task. If you’ve been inspired to eat more plant-based foods, but don’t know where to start, we have some tips to make this transition as joyful and sustainable as possible!
1.We all know which foods already bring a smile to our face, so why not eat more plant-based foods you already enjoy! Take note of all the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and other plant-based foods you love eating and start including them in your diet more frequently.
2.You're more likely to eat what's available rather than going out of your way to consume what's not, so use the trick “out of sight, out of mind”. If your fridge is filled with animal products, you're more likely to consume them, so try keeping whole, plant-based foods in sight
3.Going cold turkey may not be the best way to change a habit. Once you’ve started introducing more plant-based foods into your diet, try to set a goal to go plant-powered on one or more days per week. This can be as simple as swapping the milk in your cereal for a plant-based milk at breakfast, choose a grilled vegetable instead of a chicken wrap for lunch, and switch up your hamburger for a bean burger or a lentil stew at dinner.
4.Get creative and stock up on your spice collection! Between the internet, cookbooks, and all the plant-based menu items now available in restaurants, the options are unlimited. There are so many wonderful flavours to be discovered. Experiment!
5.Plan ahead. To be successful with a plant based diet, it helps to determine your meal ideas in advance so you have the ingredients you need. Set aside one day per week to meal plan, shop and chop up fruits and vegetables so you have quick snacks ready to go.
This journey can be a personal one, but know that you aren’t alone. If you are passionate about transitioning to a plant-based diet but are having difficulties or need motivation, reach out to other plant-based eaters for support! We can help.
We hope these tips help you along your plant-based journey!
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12 grams of healthy fat including 6460 mg of omega 3 and 1670 mg of omega 6
7.7g of fiber and
5.2 grams of protein
Flaxseeds are a known superfood due to their high vitamin and mineral content. They are also antioxidant rich. Flaxseeds contain all the B vitamins needed for energy, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and selenium.
Since flaxseeds are loaded with these essential nutrients, regular consumption has been proven effective in preventing and/or treating acute diseases such as high blood pressure, inflammation, high blood sugar levels, gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, dry skin and hair, and arthritis. When talking about inflammation, the high fat content, including the omega 3 and omega 6, is what provides flaxseeds their anti-inflammatory properties. Flaxseeds also contain compounds that can reduce the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. This is partly due to their immune boosting qualities.
Flaxseeds also contain phyto-estrogenic lignans (phytoestrogens), a compound that acts like estrogen and can prevent the over accumulation of bad estrogens such as xenoestrogens that come from “foreign” toxins (non human and non plant-based). Flaxseeds can also support the detoxification of excess estrogen in the liver. This can be helpful for girls who are experiencing early signs of puberty as well as women who struggle with premenstrual symptoms such as cramps, back pain, mood swings, negative self-image, and even irregular periods.
Want to learn how you can incorporate more flaxseeds into your diet? Here are 5 ideas to get you started!
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Before heading out to your local grocery store or farmers market, take a look below to see which colours contain what health benefits.
RED: Foods that have a red pigment such as strawberries, watermelon, red bell peppers, and tomatoes are full of lycopene, an crucial carotenoid that has major antioxidant properties. These nutrient compounds support heart health. Red foods are also loaded with a healthy dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, all of which support our immune system.
ORANGE: Foods that have a orange pigment such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and butternut squash are full of beta-carotene, an nutrient compound that helps keep both the mucous membrane (throat, airway passage, intestinal tract, ect) and eyesight healthy. The deep orange colour also signifies a hefty amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium. Other foods such as oranges, cantaloupe, orange bell peppers and peaches are packed with immune boosting Vitamin C and B6.
YELLOW: Foods that have a yellow pigment such as bananas, summer squash and yellow bell peppers are stocked up on potassium, manganese and magnesium, all of which are known electrolytes that help provide adequate brain function, bone health, nervous system signalling, muscle contraction and relaxation, fluid retention, energy output, and pH balance. This makes yellow foods good at regulating blood pressure and enhancing the production of energy.
Green: Foods that have a green pigment such as spinach, collard greens and peas, are great plant-based sources of iron, which many people today struggle to get enough of in our daily diet. Other green foods such as asparagus, broccoli and avocado are loaded with folate, a critical compound needed for cellular growth and regeneration. The green pigment inside many of these vegetables is called Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is important for cognitive function, detoxification of toxins, fighting infection, replenishing cells, and boosting immunity.
Blue: Foods that have a blue pigment such as blueberries, get their colour from a powerful antioxidant called anthocyanin. This antioxidant can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
Purple: Foods that have a purple pigment such as blackberries, grapes, current and plums are also filled with anthocyanin. Other veggies such as radicchio, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple potatoes and purple carrots contain a healthy dose of resveratrol, a flavonoid with anti aging properties that also help to decrease blood pressure.
White: Foods that have a white pigments such as cauliflower and turnips are loaded with glucosinolates, another compound that can reduce the risk of cancer. Other white foods such as garlic and onions are packed with polyphenols that are known to help alleviate chronic inflammation. Mushrooms are another white food and a great source of selenium, a mineral that protects the body from free-radical damage and keeps the thyroid gland happy. Mushrooms are also a great source of Vitamin B5 which plays an important role in energy metabolism. If that's not enough, take a look at what white beans can offer you. White beams are packed with protein, B vitamins necessary for metabolism and energy, potassium and iron.
Fruits And Vegetables Nutrients Based On Their Color (swirled.com)
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\",\"settings\":{\"styles\":{\"text\":\"left\",\"align\":\"flex-start\",\"justify\":\"flex-start\",\"position\":\"2/3/4/15\",\"m-element-margin\":\"0 0 16px 0\"}}},\"page_ztAXQ-IxqUxmpBOpiDMT5-section-title\":{\"type\":\"GridTextBox\",\"content\":\"Everyone has their own reasons for going plant-based. It may be because you want to optimize your health, environmental reasons, animal welfare, or you made a pact with your friend. Whatever the reason may be, you may be wondering where do I even start? Going plant-based can be intimidating for many, but with the right education, it can actually be fun and easy. Going plant-based always allows you to express your creative side. It motivates you to come up with new recipes and often requires less cooking time.
Here are some tips to help you get started on a plant-based diet:
Have daily smoothies! Enjoying your daily smoothie is a fantastic way to get your fruits, greens and healthy fats into your diet. Fruits are loaded with powerful antioxidants which can help mediate inflammation, skin conditions, digestion, detox, and immunity.
Choose healthy fats. Healthy fat choices could include olive oil, olives, nuts, nut butters, seeds, and avocados. Not only are these foods high in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, but they are also high in protein. Healthy fats also call for a longer digestion which means you will feel fuller for longer.
Keep your veggies within sight: Pushing out fruits and vegetables to the back of the fridge, or hiding them in the humidifier drawer is an easy way for us to lose sight of them. We can easily forget we purchased them and they end up going bad. Here’s a little tip: keep your produce in plain sight. Some can even be left on the counter.
Cook a vegetarian meal at least one night a week. If you are struggling with adopting a plant-based diet, try cooking a plant-based meal one night during the week. As you get more comfortable, you can increase this to 2 nights a week, and soon maybe even 3 nights a week. Build these meals around beans, whole grains, and vegetables.
Include whole grains for breakfast. Eggs and some type of meat is the classic North American breakfast. The reason why we opt for this is because it is highly satiating. Instead, start incorporating whole grains such as oatmeal, quinoa, buckwheat, or barley. Whole grains are just as filling as animal protein. You can even add some nuts or seeds along with fresh fruit.
Go for Colour: Eating a rainbow diet nourishes your body with so many nutrients and antioxidants. In fact, every colour has its own unique antioxidant. Consuming a variety of green leafy vegetables is probably the most nutrient rich option. They are packed with fiber, protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Dark leafy greens include kale, collards, Swiss chard, spinach, and rapini. Steaming, roasting, or stir-frying are the best ways to preserve their flavour and nutrients. For more information on this topic, read my blog on Food Colours and Their Powerful Nutrients.
Plan out your shopping list based on your weekly meals: Make a mindful effort at the beginning of each week to come up with different recipes and write down the needed ingredients. Going to the grocery store without a plan can lead you to over buy or purchase processed, packaged foods. When you come up with a wholesome grocery list, it can make shopping for food easier and healthier.
Have your vegetables washed & cut so they are ready to be used: People often reach for refined carbohydrates or processed snacks because they often seem like the most convenient option. With that being said, having your produce washed and cut makes it a lot more accessible and usable. Cut up your carrots and celery and have your hummus ready for a mid-afternoon snack.
Meal Prep: Probably the most usual tip. Meal prepping is another great way to make your fruits and vegetables more accessible. Typically on a Sunday or Monday, cook some sweet potato, carrots, broccoli, legumes, rice, and peppers, ect., and have them ready to eat throughout the week. This way you don’t have to think about what to cook or eat, everything is already ready for you!
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