Ryan's Promise Project:

Plant Powered World

Take the #PlantPoweredPledge

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Welcome to our amazing community.  If you are visiting this page, you probably already understand why plant-based food choices are so important.  You don't need to become vegan or even vegetarian to join us.  You simply need to make yourself a promise to eat less meat and more plants.  It's good for you! It's good for our planet!  C'mon, I know you're ready to take our #PlantPoweredPledge!  However, promising yourself is not enough.  Studies show that if you share your plans with others, you are more likely to follow through, so we've created a #PlantPoweredPledge Certificate that we want you to sign and share!   Here's how it works...


1) Purchase Your Plant Powered Badge here (STORE) or here (DONATE).  Take a selfie with your badge and share on social media and with friends (tag #PlantPoweredPledge, #PlantPoweredWorld and @PlantPowered.world).  

2) Add a "Plant-Powered Badge Overlay" to your Facebook profile! (click here).

3) Take the #PlantPoweredPledge below. Choose your weekly "Plant Powered" day(s) and tell everyone!

4) Print your "Pledge Certificate", (click here or see below), sign it and take a proud selfie holding the certificate.  Share your picture to social media and tag #PlantPoweredPledge, #PlantPoweredWorld and @PlantPowered.world.  Stick your signed pledge certificate on your refrigerator or somewhere in your home where you will see it often. Add a weekly notification in your phone so you don't forget your plant-powered day(s)!

The next few steps are very important in order to find out about all the amazing badge perks that you will have access to as our mission grows...

5) Follow us on Instagram (click here).

6) Like and follow us on Facebook (click here).

7) Subscribe to our Youtube channel (click here).

8) Do not forget to subscribe to our main mailing list (click here) so we can share our success and announcements with you as we grow.
