Ryan's Promise Project:

Plant Powered World 

How to become an official "Plant-Powered School"

Every school that joins our mission will have the chance to become an official "Plant-Powered School" and receive a certificate to proudly post in their school.  You will also gain access to an online certification badge which you may proudly display on your website and social media pages.    To become an official "Plant-Powered School" you must have at least 20 people who have ordered a Plant Powered Badge.  Once you have gained "Plant-Powered School" status, you may enter our friendly school competition!  You may now challenge another school or organization to join.  For every new member that joins from your "challenged" schools, you get a plant point.  The leaderboard will rank all the schools participating in our Plant Points Competition so you can see how you are ranking against all other participants.  

For every 20 Plant Points that are earned, the challenging school will receive a FREE Plant Powered Badge to gift to anyone as a show of recognition for work well done.

If you're interested in becoming a Plant Powered School, please contact us.

Congratulations to all the schools who have gained certification as an official "Plant Powered School":

Your school name here!